Event Details

This Event is Expired

PGA Scramble @ South Pines

October 13th, 2024

All players must hold an official GA Handicap to compete in the Scramble.

Any player with a GA Handicap that has been set to Provisional will be ineligible to enter.

All handicap limits are based on the official GA Handicap on the day of the event.

Maximum GA Handicap

The maximum GA Handicap for Men and Women is 54.0

Maximum Daily Handicap:

The maximum Daily Handicap is

Men: 36

Women: 45

Any player who has a Daily Handicap above these limits will automatically adjsuted to 36 (men) or 45 (women). Daily Handicaps are determined by the tees of the day. In Mixed Events males will be calculated from the Men’s tees and females from the Ladies tees.

Team Handicap Requirements

A maximum of two (2) players with a GA Handicap of 9.9 or less per team

Maximum GA Handicap Team Aggregate: 112.0 (Mixed Events) 132.0 (Women’s only events)

Minimum GA Handicap Team Aggregate: 32.0 (All events)

Team Handicaps are calculated by adding the Daily Handicap for each team together and then dividing by eight (8). All Team Handicaps are rounded to two (2) decimal places.
